Sunday, July 10, 2016

Love is the answer.

The world needs more of it, and we need it now.
We need more of the love that allows us to see that we are all connected, we are all one, we are all sharing space on this earth at the same time, and we are all made from the same stardust.

Yes, #BlackLivesMatter.
Yes, Police lives matter.
Yes, privilege is a thing --be it white, be it male, be it wealth.
Why are these things thought to be mutually exclusive?
They are ALL true. Denying them doesn't help.
The truth will set you free.

Until we admit the truth of these things, I do not believe we will be able to truly come together in love.

Love unites. Love drives out hate.  Love overcomes fear.

I pray that these horrible happenings will at the very least bring light to the darkness of fear, racism, and those in positions of authority who should not have that authority--be it priests, or teachers, or police officers, or politicians so that we may move forward in love.

I pray for peace.
I pray for love.

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