Sunday, May 19, 2013

Branding Your Library

As one of the moderators of the Twitter Chat #TXLchat I've spent a lot of time and energy lately pondering our latest chat topic, branding your library.  We discussed it last week, and will continue for the next couple of weeks (we'd love you to join us Tuesday nights from 8-8:30, Texas time) speaking with a couple of experts on the topic.

While working on brainstorming for creating my own library's brand, I came across this fun video that has some great reminders on branding.  Go on, take a look-see!

What is Branding? from Bret McQuinn on Vimeo.

I've taken a good long look at the TEA library guidelines and standards document to really properly evaluate the current state of the library, if you will, noting strengths as well as weaknesses,  and I've created my new combo mission/vision statement (I'm feeling pretty good about it. I'd love to hear your thoughts on it, too)

The MMMS Library exists to:
Empower learners with information literacy skills, creating an information commons where inquiry, knowledge, enjoyment, and creativity all come together; a space where minds are nutured, inspired, and challenged. 

Now I'm focusing on some keywords in the statement that should be reflected in my brand (inquiry, knowledge, creativity, inspire) and trying to gather up bits of inspiration for a logo and catch-phrase.

Hey!  Here's another word for me to ponder--transform--because that is exactly what I'm in the process of doing in the library!

Where are you in the process of branding your library?  I'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas!

Mrs. S

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